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A resource for learning about SuperAgers around the world.

SuperAgers are individuals who have survived into their late 80s and beyond and are thriving. Centenarians are a special case of SuperAgers who have survived to 100 years and represent exceptional longevity.

This project identifies the social, psychological, health factors that characterize SuperAgers in multiple countries.

USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology and M Center of Excellence have collaborated to advance awareness of the importance of healthy lifespans.

SuperAgers by Country

The world is rapidly aging, though rates vary by country and region, reflecting differences in the cultural, economic, environmental, historical and social contexts of aging.

Health Around the Globe

Health among SuperAgers varies across populations. Understanding the prevalence of health conditions in various countries can inform the longevity process.

A Closer Look at SuperAgers

Quiet Heroes ~ Over Eighty by Barry Shaffer

In 2006 photographer, Los Angeles native, and USC alumnus Barry Shaffer and his wife Barbara set out to meet and document the lives of 70 remarkable older individuals all over eighty years of age.

The World’s Longest Lived

Explore the lives of Jeanne Calment, Sarah Knauss, Kane Tanaka and Lucile Randon.

SuperAgers Stories

Watch our SuperAgers interviews for advice on how to lead a life of healthy longevity.